- Hermit crabs thrive in tropical environments, as mentioned above they are not solitary creatures. So if you can bring in two or three more hermit crabs the better! They are social creatures and they can live in pairs or groups.
- You don’t need a lot of water to keep them. They only need a small, shallow dish of freshwater in their terrarium. If it’s too deep, your hermit crabs would drown.
- Assure that the area you’re going to keep them is warm and moist. Never keep them in air-conditioned rooms because air conditioning causes the air to dry not moist.
- It’s suggested to add a shallow dish with dechlorinated water for your hermit crabs to soak their bodies in. But make sure that these dishes are low and not deep so you can avoid them drowning.
- Create several spaces in the terrarium where your hermit crabs can hide
- Leave something on their terrarium a larger empty seashell, the number of seashells you should leave depends on how many hermit crabs you have. They use these empty seashells as they grow since they will move into the larger shells as they grow.
Heating & Lighting
- The suggested temperatures on where you should keep them are between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 26.6 degrees Celsius).
- Your crabs will thrive in humidity levels between 50% and 80%. Make sure to mist their terrarium using non-chlorinated water as much as possible. Also, make sure to use a hygrometer to keep track of the humidity levels.
- If your place is quite cold and you’ll be using an under-tank heater, be considerate of your hermit crabs comfort. Put an inch of bedding so it’ll absorb the heat, saving them from being uncomfortably hot temperature.
Shopping Checklist for your Hermit Crab

So here’s your shopping list for your Hermit Crabs’ needs! These are handy so you won’t forget which stuff to buy and what not to buy when you’re on the mission to have a Hermit crab for Pet.
- Terrarium
- Shells of varying sizes and according to the number of hermit crabs you have
- Under-tank heater and Hygrometer for checking the humidity of the terrarium
- Cave or Hut, get something large if you have more hermit crabs
- Pellets/powdered pellets
- Fruits or Vegetables
- Food & Water Bowls (remember to use plastic or ceramics, not metal!)
- Climbing toys
- Bath
- Gloves